Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Author and the Manager's Wedding of the Year

"Yesterday you were my friend. Today you are my husband not only tomorrow but for time and all eternity." These lines were taken from the brides letter to her groom.

A very lovely couple!

Greg and Sheila grew up together, had all the chances to express their feelings but didn’t have the guts to say it until last year.
They started as best of friends until it blossomed into something more. They just can’t get enough of each other and so… they decided to seal their love eternally.

Both of them waited for ten years before this very special day arrived. Love kept on knocking at their doors but they both were so busy with so many stuffs enough to keep them away from paying attention. I could just imagine Cupid shouting on top of his lungs yet these two refused to listen with their hearts.

Yet you see that Cupid didn’t give up on them. Greg and Sheila tied their eternal knot last Saturday, 28th of June 2008.

Congratulations and Best Wishes!

And why my title is "The Author and the President's Wedding of the Year"? Well, Dr. Gregory Palma is one of the authors of G & A Notes, a bestseller compact book for medical students in the country. Sheila Marie Casaol is the manager of their family's employment agency. These couple are in their mid-30's and are both financially established. They did not acquire all these and compromised their feelings. Doc just didn't make any move then so our lading lady waited for quite sometime and concentrated instead on helping her parents run the business.
The former Cathay Pacific flight attendant resigned and chose to be with her family and manage their agency.
And, below are the photos taken during their most awaited special day.

The Newly Wed - Dr. Gregory & Sheila Marie Palma
"with me and ate mily behind the very beautiful cake"

Third Avenue Band
"kept the party alive"

Me and my Choco Dress
"gosh! i looked slimmer here! my diet, finally, worked!"

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Novel Excerpts - "The Break-up"

Just when I got home, I noticed the jeep and his stuffs are gone. Though we had a very rough time on what’s happening lately and the silly things that preceded this break up, I still love him. Of course, I married him for a “forever-after-ending” with the two of us working together in that one common goal but some good things never really last. This is because we never focused our attention on the things that are needed to be done.

The way I look at life is so different from what and how he sees it. This is a universal thing but he doesn’t want to meet me at the middle which gives me an excuse to let him go.

This is not easy on my part because, this is not my nature. However, if the issues are not making me happy, why should I be pushing myself so hard on it? Both of us will only be fooling ourselves of the never-ending negative matters.

If only I could roll back the film in my life’s story, I would edit it in the way I really wanted. I would choose better casts to give me better scenes and perfect shoots. But I don’t hold that part. It’s not my calling. I only act and do what the writer puts in to the script plus what the director is telling me.

I feel emptiness but I know the Lord will fill-in this void part of my life. I know He loves me and will help me get through this.

Each time, I spot the places where I see him and his things, I feel like the world is falling on me. Every time I remember the somber look on his face when I told him we have to go our separate ways, my heart pains a lot. Yet, I have to be tough at times to make myself clear to him. I have to be strong so that he will know that when I say things, I really mean them. I have to overcome my weak side so he can get the message.

I badly need his help in elevating ourselves from the well of debt but he moved so slow and even slower. I could not imagine myself in this very sore situation. I hate things happening this way.

My heart longed so much for a marriage that is happy and lasting - a family with smart and talented kids who are God-fearing, and honor their parents. I always imagined myself preparing meals and refreshments for them and my dear husband. I envision myself maintaining a home with furnishings of love and kindness. I also want it sealed with four walls of security not only against natural calamities but also from evil phenomenon as well.

Right now, I’m thinking so hard on how life has been treating me and how I’ve been treating him. It seems like so unfair but as I go deeper in reflecting all that happened to me, the blessings are greater than the trial itself. If I only could mention a few, the very first thing that comes to my mind is the discovery of my hidden reserves. I never thought I am strong enough to handle this unexpected dilemma. Without this trial I may not be able to know much the trust Heavenly Father has given me. He has not given me any trial yet that I couldn’t resolve. I better see the Hands of God encircling me when I was badly hurt and needed much comfort in easing the pain. I could feel His love and I better appreciate the drops of blood that came out from the Savior’s pores. He sacrificed so much for me so I may not feel that physical pain He experienced.

The Lord has carried the cross for me that I may not feel how heavy it is. He enveloped me with my family, friends, leaders, and mentors who never failed to lighten my load by simply patting my shoulder and through simple words of love and comfort.

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Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th Autumn at Temple Drive

I'm always fascinated with bright colors! It's because it's giving me light throughout the day. While stucked at the office wondering about things to do for the coming week, I was inspired to take my shot on this beautiful scenery just across the street - the Manila Philippines Temple and its landscaping which enhances its magnificence. Here's my take of... "The Autumn at Temple Drive! But all apologies of the cam I was using, it was not as good as I expected. Hehehe!!!

And of course, who can forget capturing these spires pointing heaven? Just got one nuisance here though.... the palm tree. :) Hehehe!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Come with Me to Institute!

Here is one video produced for Young Adults.

A Day Out with Jen

Finally, Jen and I had time to take an off from work and worries. This day we flipped the pages back and return to the days when we still eat popsicles and run, stroll around the park. A time where we forget our stresses and just had soooooooooo much fun like little girls. Haha!

Our favorite part was picture taking, of course! And also, biking.... and eating.... I'm not a good biker like Jen. But I eat a lot better! We had cotton candy! Biked with kids. Sat around. Just making ourselves busy with each other.

The good thing is... we loose how many pounds? 5 lbs? 10 lbs? or maybe, 20? Well, that would be a great news for everyone to know! But we only loose 1/3 pound I think!!! Hahaha!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Celine Danielle Hernandez Cacho

"Celine Danielle Hernandez Cacho"

She's very cute. Very lovely angel. Though Jen and I had funny experiences and thought we couldn't see this little angel from heaven.

Welcome to the real world, Celine! Last Saturday, Jennifer finally made it! We were able to see Dianne and Febian's little angel, Celine Danielle. It was always a goal to visit Celine but because of our hectic schedules, we've missed seeing her at the hospital.

Finally, Jen and I made it! She's very cute! I love her so much! Wish I can have my own little angel like Celine.