Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What's the Most Kept Secret in Art?

Photo editing is one of my hobbies. I love to learn things, and, this is one that I really enjoyed doing.

Since my arrival in Manila five years ago, I opened my mind for new things, new discoveries. Like in art, I love art so much! In fact, in my mind I am a painter and a fashion designer but the frustrated one. Because, I never had any chance to formally enroll in an Art School. That is why, I think I'm just a trying hard artist making everything possible for the sake of whatever medium I like, or should I say, for the sake of art? And worse... to line myself to the famous group of artists.

I've said, I liked trying things, right? So now, let me share with you few of my Photoshop Projects.

Caution: I'm an amateur photo editor so I welcome comments or suggestions of my work to better improve myself on this subject. I modeled my work because I can't afford hiring models except for one institute student! Haha!

Highlighting Subjects and Blurring Nuisances

"Making Myself Clear" (black and white blur)

"Focusing on the "One"" (colored blur)

Color Changing and Color Combination

crop and sepia toning

"Mixing with the Original" (black and white combined with color)
I'm willing to share the things I am learning unlike others... hiding secrets or styles of their medium. I believe that every person deserves to know what the other has learned. Knowledge being passed or transfered from one person to the other.
Obviously like our Father in Heaven, He has a huge and perfect plan for all of us. He wants us to educate our minds and tame our hearts that we may refine in the way we act or the way we deal with others. With art, we can discover new things. We can create. We can make masterpieces from a simple scrap to one that's really superb and excellent. This is because when our Heavenly Father is teaching us one thing, He wants us pass it on. His Hands are the Hands of a Perfect Artist. He passed every single thing He learned to our Dear Brother even the Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. The Savior in turn has His own share of somewhat like "Photo Editing" or His Own Artistry. He uses His blood as the medium of His masterpiece called the Atonement. He shared His whole life as the subject that we may fully understand the depth in creating such masterwork plus the importance of putting His "Heart" into His work of art.
In addition, He dedicated and devoted His life for this cause. Thus, the heart indeed portrays a vital role in an artist's so called "magnum opus". Without the heart, the spectators will not be able to feel, or probably, will hardly decipher what the artist is implying. The heart in one's art is the key to feeling, understanding, and appreciating the depth and meaning of his genius work.
So, what's the most kept secret in art? It is the heart.

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Blogger Irene said...

Nice pictures. Have to try and edit my pictures too! Love.

August 24, 2008 at 5:17 PM  

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