Thursday, October 2, 2008

E-Day a.k.a. Pinoy Olimpiks

The Office has been consistent in making sure that we take a day off from work and focus more on FUN. HR headed in organizing the E-Day or Employee Day for everyone to play like kids in Pinoy Olimpiks!

Forgetting all the worries about reimbursements, reports, trainings, projects, and even wiping blinds, everybody regardless of position and race gathered as teams classified by colors and Filipino inspired team names at the PBO parking lot extension. Unlike before, we didn’t travel or rent a clubhouse for the activity but rather used the very spacious lot the Church owned at the back of PBO, Missionary Training Center, and Temple Housing.

Organizers had planned well the activity and created funny Pinoy inspired games we usually played when we were younger. Games like piko, patintero, holen that we call Pinoy Golp, luksong lubid, pukpok palayok, and gulong exhibition a.k.a Pinoy Motocross!

Here are some photos:

banner parade, representing.... Matiyaga's - the Yellow Team

Kuya Daga holding the Pinoy Olimpiks Torch

I really thought he came all the way from Beijing. Haha!

This was one of the hardest part for him, I guess. He was sweating and catching his breath for this uphill slope run to the venue.

I thought he wouldn't make it. But he was a great sport.

I was wondering if I could run and pick him up and light the torch instead....

He made it! He was able to get up and run for a few distance to the huge torch.

But what kind of torch is this? A fire-free torch? Hahaha!!!! Very innovative!

These are colored plastics pasted on top of an industrial fan. He just turned on the fan to let the so-called torch be lighted. Great job, Kuya Daga!

Then let the "Olimpks" begin...

The sun was not so hot and it was quite windy. I loved our colors under the sun!

Our team mates on-post to stop all purple team members in the Patintero from crossing to the other side.

Oh no! I was so scared of losing! Look at me! This was during Pinoy Golp or Jolen shooting. Hahaha!! We won second place here.

Well, what's that Khrissy? Sorbetes or native ice-cream! The organizers paid the vendor's ice-cream and there he stationed under the Talisay tree. Well, we had ice-cream for like forever here.

And while the rest of the Matiyaga's were listening to the instructions for Piko, the camera man caught me still eating ice-cream. Hahaha!

See that!

Very embarrassing! Kuya Wilmor was able to get this shot behind one of our big bosses in PBO. I thought the first two photos were over and funny... I never had any idea he would take this shot. Stolen shots are crazy shots or should I say, Khrissy's shots! If Nestle would see me, they should hire me to replace Sharon Cuneta's ad. Haha!

This was Arlene's second try. She forgot how to play piko. And look at our team mates, dying to do it for her. Hahaha!!! Look at our leader, Kuya Plor (wearing gold jersey), giving her instructions. And look at her boss, Madame Cynthia, touching her hair. We had countless reactions and facial expressions here. But we were glad when she was able to make it, finally. Though, we didn't win here. We had fun teaching her how instead of criticizing her.

Everybody was running for gold and silver kisses for some points for the team. But this was a false alarm. The pot didn't crack. It was only swayed by Kuya Manny. Only the powder and few candies fell.

Only the white stuffs not the chocos!

See the fun!

Group picture! We won second place. Top two out 8 or nine groups. I forgot. Sorry.

We won the wackiest group also!

Panalo Ako Medals given to us. Panalo Ako means I Won in English.


Was he saying, we could have won only if we listened to him all the time? Hahaha!! He was the smallest in our group but guys, HE IS OUR LEADER!

This is my big boss, Bro. Amistad. He is a singing guru! He's not just a great boss, he sings well too. Singing Happy Together here. I even think he should plan for a solo concert in the future.

A great performance indeed. He also had back-up dancers here. I was not able to get a photo of him singing with his back-up dancers. This was a real fun E-Day.

showing to the rest of the group our certificate...

facing the sun!

Pokpok Palayok! That was the Target! Crack the Pot and get gold and silver kisses were our goals.

practicing and counting the steps from starting line to finish line.

still giving instructions...

the band!

Our indigenous banner! made our of journal ledgers... hahaha!!! Arlene made this and she's an accountant by profession. Now you know why ledgers?

The whole activity was fun. Everybody enjoyed it a lot. There were winners and losers as for the games. But for me, everybody won. Just think about the fun, the camaraderie, the bonding, and everybody's sporstmanship. Talents were discovered and strengths revived. Regardless of levels or positions, everybody played. They were bosses or subordinates from Monday to Friday, but they were equal during the activity. Same as what our Heavenly Father look at us. He has given us roles to play and callings to fulfill yet we are still His children. We are equal in His sight.

To the organizers, my hats off to you guys! Thanks for this Pinoy Olympics! Only shows how fun-loving the Filipinos are.

Most of all, I loved the photos. Check 'em all at All our photos were stolen shots though. But they are great! Of all the photos taken secretly like mine with the ice-cream, this one is the BEST!

Brother Ron and Sister Susan Millet, Philippines Area DTA. Different teams, different colors but of One Heart and One Mind! Great Couple, Great Friends.

Have fun!


Blogger Irene said...

Looks like you folks had a good time!

October 8, 2008 at 7:59 PM  
Blogger Khrissy said...

Yup! We really enjoyed it! :)

October 8, 2008 at 8:34 PM  
Blogger Mark Rosario said...

What a detailed way to capture an activity. It made me feel that I was really there. Heheheh..

October 19, 2008 at 8:22 PM  
Blogger Khrissy said...

Thanks!:) I love details. :)

January 13, 2009 at 11:23 PM  

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